E and I have been reading the Harry Potter books. I fell in love with these books when I first read them when I was in college. I have been eagerly awaiting the time when E would be interested in the stories. Jus and I tried to read them to E when he was 3 or 4, but he wasn't interested enough to sit still to listen to them then.
As E has been reading and writing a lot on his own this past year, and now that I have the first three Harry Potter books as illustrated editions, I decided it was time to give it another try. It seems 6 is the right age for E to be ready to immerse himself in this world. We are now starting book 4!
I have another small frame so I decided to use it for a tribute to the Harry Potter series. I quilled the stars from the corners of the book pages.
I'm now looking forward to reading the rest of the series with E!