Giraffe Mom and Child

This is a project that I started quite a while ago, a little over three years ago, actually!

I loved the momma giraffe that I made, but I wasn't sure how I felt about the way that the baby was coming together, and I was struggling with what to do for the background.

For the baby, I used a different yellow than the momma giraffe and when I went to glue in the colorful spots, I realized that the yellow was a tad taller than the other papers. 

When I came back to this project I snipped down the yellow. He looks a bit fuzzy now, but I am happier with it this way. :) 

Originally, I was going to have the momma giraffe poking her neck out of a window, but that just didn't make sense. Instead, I painted a bright sky background for the giraffes to enjoy.

They seem much more at home here!